One of my rules here is that I don’t like to comment on elections before they happen. Most news reporting on elections happens before the results are known, because, I suppose, it is more newsworthy. And that’s fair enough if your audience are voters in that election – they have a decision to make. But for others the most important thing about an election is its outcome, the point at which most newsmen seem to drift away, for foreign elections anyway. But the coverage of the United States’ general election tomorrow has become a massive thing in itself. And I want to comment on that before we know the outcome.
The first thing to say is that the coverage here in Britain is massive. My main source of daily news is the BBC, and they are throwing huge resources at it. Alas they often don’t have much new to report. It is quite interesting to see in pictures, or hear real voices, to illustrate what I have read about in more substantial reporting in The Economist and elsewhere – but it has become repetitive. This is typical of the BBC’s “headless chicken” editorial policy. They let their agenda be set by other news outlets (as they see themselves as reporters of the news, not makers of it), set a time budget and fill it even if they have nothing to say – meanwhile suppressing coverage all sorts of important news in areas they consider less newsworthy. Things are not quite as bad as they are when there is a death in the Royal Family, but I’m getting some of the same feeling.
For somebody like me, endless repetition of messages by the BBC and others makes we want to challenge them. These include: this is a very close election; it will be decided in the seven swing states; it is the most consequential election in a generation (or more); American politics is toxic and dysfunctional (to be fair the BBC does not push such an opinionated view – though it is very widely held). All of these contentions have plenty of evidential support, but none of them should be regarded as established facts, as most coverage seems to imply.
Is the election close? Yes, all the respectable polling says so, and the campaigns are acting that way. But accurate polling is very hard to do. In the last two elections Donald Trump’s support was significantly underestimated. There are many unique characteristics about this election, and that is going to make it just as hard to predict: learning from past mistakes can simply lead you to new ones. You can make a case that there will be a comfortable Trump win (a repeat of previous polling error, resulting from a broadening of his appeal across ethnic groups, etc.) or a comfortable Harris one (more motivation from outraged female voters, etc.). We don’t know.
Will it be decided in the seven swing states, or perhaps just the biggest of them, Pennsylvania? A recent poll showing Kamala Harris ahead in Iowa (due to predicted high turnout among women voters) raised eyebrows as this is a regarded as safe for Trump, and may well be one of those polling outliers. But it is entirely possible that the intensive attention both campaigns have been paying to Pennsylvania make this an atypical state, and the winner there loses the overall election. Meanwhile it is possible that one of the parties will flip one or more states outside one of those seven and this could prove decisive.
This is the most consequential election in a generation? That is what both campaigns are saying, and it is what a lot of others were saying too. But it’s what they always say – and especially last time. A Harris win is not going to stop the backlash against “elites” from middle America, even if it means the end of the road from Mr Trump himself. She will not put into action the sort of radical programme that Joe Biden did – as she has not prepared a long for the job as he had, and she will be more constrained politically – she is likely to face a Republican-controlled Senate. And as for Trump, he may in some ways be much better prepared for power than he was in 2016, with many more loyalists ready for the call to assist his administration – but he himself is more erratic and even less focused – and as narcissistic as ever. We could well get a chaotic regime that achieves little and quickly becomes constrained by its unpopularity. Yes, the election will be highly consequential – but so was the last one, and the one before – and well you make the case for earlier elections too.
American politics is toxic and dysfunctional. Actually the first of those is pretty much incontestable – toxicity is a Trump and Republican strategy to help motivate their voters. Ms Harris is trying to break with that, which is welcome, but not necessarily a winning strategy. But dysfunctional? There is dysfunction – most notably with the failure of bi-partisan border legislation purely to make a political point. But The Economist Lexington column makes a good case that democracy is actually in quite good shape. The candidates are moving to the middle ground; party support is breaking out of its ethnic silos. And in today’s Financial Times Rana Faroohar points out that there is dysfunction in wider American society, with too much inequality and with governing elites obsessing about the wrong things. But there is widespread recognition of this wider dysfunction in American society, and perhaps the raucous debate, and highly contested nature of its politics will start to produce the sorts of changes it needs for renewal – and has a far better chance of doing so than if a more stable and controlled politics prevailed.
Humans are far from the rational creatures that many like to think they are. Our predictions for the future are too heavily influenced by our experience of the past. We think that our battles of the moment dwarf those of the past and future in their importance. Both biases are running rampant in the news coverage of this US election.