Taxation and public spending is very much on the political agenda here in Britain. The Chancellor of the Exchequer, Rachel Reeves, is claiming that there is a £22 billion black hole of unfunded spending commitments in the government finances, left by a Conservative government addicted to brushing problems under the carpet. There is much talk of how her Labour government might raise taxes to plug this hole and meet expectations of improvements to public services and the social safety net.
This makes it a good time to ponder the economics of all this. Public debate encourages us to think of the state’s finances in terms of a household budget: public spending must be covered by taxes, or else the national debt gets out of control, which in due course could mean throwing the country to the mercy of foreign creditors, or burden future generations. This narrative has the merit of being easy to communicate and sounding like common sense. Try telling voters that this is not how things work, and they will immediately become suspicious. The US Republicans, to my knowledge, are the only politicians to have succeeded with a different narrative: the so-called “Laffer curve”, whereby tax cuts pay for themselves through economic growth. Former British Prime Minister Liz Truss tried this out on the British public in 2022, but it went very badly. Her supporters argue that his was actually through bad luck – but most politicians now treat the idea of “unfunded” tax cuts or spending commitments as politically toxic, as well as economically unwise.
The Laffer curve is in fact just one argument against the household budget narrative – but it is not a huge departure from it. Households may borrow to invest, so states should be able to so as well. If a budget deficit leads to a future increase in revenues, or lower costs, then surely it is sustainable? Labour tried to make this case with a proposal for massive investment in clean energy infrastructure – but lost their nerve as the general election loomed. Joe Biden’s administration is actually implementing such a programme in America, but the public there are resolutely sceptical. You have to believe that the future benefits are for real – and the public is generally unbelieving. Not without reason, as the processes of accountability are weak.
A further, and well-established, argument against the household budget narrative might be called the Keynesian critique. This follows the argument originally put forward by the great economist Maynard Keynes, after stringent budgeting by governments during the Great Depression of the 1930s made things worse. If there is spare capacity in the economy – a typical feature of recessions – then it makes sense for the government to run a deficit to raise demand and employ unemployed workers, creating a virtuous circle of growth – and stopping a potential doom-loop of savings leading to reduced demand leading to further savings. Governments should use taxes and spending to help manage overall demand, to ensure that the economy runs at an efficient level of capacity. This idea is very popular on the political left, who generally assume that the economy is always working below capacity – but it is not always easy to tell if there is spare capacity. Many people thought that high unemployment in the 1970s meant that there was spare capacity then – but generous fiscal policy simply seemed to stoke inflation – “stagflation”. In fact the escalating price of oil, amongst other things, meant that the economy was in a period of transition, which caused the high levels of unemployment without a ready supply of potential new jobs. I thought something similar was happening in Britain after the great financial crisis of 2007-2009 – and that this was the justification for the 2010 coalition government’s austerity policies (which were rejected by the left with religious fervour). The pre-crash economy had been too dependent on fake gains in financial services and related business services, meaning that it wasn’t just a case of managing aggregate demand, but allowing for a degree of restructuring, which takes longer. I don’t think anybody else made that argument. Supporters of austerity used versions of the household budget narrative, while most economists said that austerity was the wrong policy because aggregate demand was weak. I still think I was right – though by 2015 the case for further austerity had largely gone, meaning that further cuts made by the Conservative government from that year were excessive.
A final critique of the household budget narrative is made most prominently by advocates of Modern Monetary Theory (MMT). They point out that where countries control their own money supply (which is the case for Britain and America, though not the Eurozone), then they don’t need to worry about the national debt, because they can just create the money to fund it. This, in fact, is exactly what many governments did during the period of Quantitive Easing (QE) in the 2010s. For some reason, MMT is regarded as heterodox economics, and its advocates akin to heretics by conventional economists. I have never entirely understood this – it has always seemed to be a matter of politics rather than substance. Some MMT advocates delight in attacking orthodox economics, not always with secure logic, and this no doubt creates a backlash. Nevertheless MMT economists such as Stephanie Kelton produce well-argued work which is thought-provoking in a good way (this article in the FT gives a flavour). The central proposition is that the limiting factor for fiscal policy is inflation, not debt. While inflation in the developed world appeared dead and buried in the 2010s, MMT became popular on the left, as it suggested that large budget deficits were sustainable, supporting their argument that austerity policies were primarily “ideological”. In the 2020s, with inflation back in the picture, we don’t hear so much about MMT, though their analysis remains just as valid. My personal scepticism of MMT is that its advocates don’t tend to think enough about the difficulties of managing a small open economy, which has to manage its economic relations with other economies (and exchange rate policy in particular) – a situation that fits the British economy more than the American one.
What all these insights point to that there are two important constraints to fiscal policy rather than simply whether there is enough money: inflation and foreign debt (if we accept the MMT argument that domestic debt isn’t a problem if inflation is under control). Low inflation is central to a country’s feeling of economic wellbeing. I would suggest that maintaining the value of the currency is one of the sacred duties of the state – and governments play fast and loose with this at their peril – though most liberal economists are more relaxed about this. And foreign debt can interfere badly with a sense of national sovereignty. The reason that the recent left-wing Mexican president Manuel Lopez Obrador was so keen on limiting government expenditure was exactly that: a fear of foreign debt (and an example of how austerity is not always a matter of right wing ideology). Where governments have dormant inflation and little need for foreign debt (through a current account surplus), then budget deficits can run wild – this is the case with Japan, for example. In Britain things are considerably trickier. The country now has an inflation problem, and a long persistent current account deficit, which complicates managing the national debt. It is hard to know how much of a constraint the latter problem actually is. It hasn’t been tested to destruction since the 1970s (if you discount the Truss episode), when the government called in the IMF, though some suggest this was just political theatre. The country has had no trouble in financing itself from abroad in its own currency. The country’s dependence “on the kindness of strangers” is a popular scare story put up by officials of the Treasury and the Bank of England to keep politicians in their place. And yet, like inflation in the early 2020s, you don’t know if you’ve gone over the limit until it’s too late. It was a debt problem that did for Ms Truss’s bid for freedom, after all. That was a dislocation in the domestic debt market because of some technical issues with pension fund financing. I have oversimplified things by referring to “foreign” debt – but the presence of foreign investors affects the disciplines required across the whole market. That episode showed that management of the national debt has to be strategic – it is not a simple matter of ramping up a budget deficit and seeing what happens.
Meanwhile, I suspect that inflation in Britain remains a serious problem, in spite of the headline rate returning to 2%. In the public sector the government is no longer able to resist above-inflation payrises: you can only defy the market for so long – this is a large part of Ms Reeves’s black hole. That may ripple through to the wider labour market, as the previous government feared. Meanwhile there is enormous political pressure to reduce levels of immigration – and it isn’t just politics: high rental and property prices, in part driven by immigration, is causing serious hardship, and disappointed expectations amongst younger people. Politicians talk of encouraging a high-wage high-productivity economy, not dependent on cheap immigrant labour, and it might be that the country is in transition to just such a destination. But all economic transitions involve bumpy rides, and inflation is often part of that journey. That matters because under the country’s current economic governance, the Bank of England will not reinstitute QE, and make government debt easier to swallow, when there is a threat of inflation. And while reforming economic governance might be a good idea, in the short term it would carry a heavy risk of the destabilisation of financial markets.
So, with a clear menace of inflation, and more difficult markets for government debt, the government is likely to have to raise taxes. And here politics has created a further problem. Easily the most effective taxes are Income Tax, National Insurance and Value Added Tax. These are effective because they have a large base, meaning that small percentage increases have a big impact, and because they have the most direct impact on aggregate demand, helping the management of inflation. And yet Labour has ruled out increasing these taxes (other than through the “stealth tax” of freezing tax-free allowances). There was, in fact, a political consensus on that policy: no party is suggesting that there should be any increases – which is seen to add hardship to those already suffering from higher inflation. That leaves various flavours of capital taxes or wealth taxes. These have the political advantage of primarily affecting the better off, but they help with the national debt rather than inflation – their impact on demand is limited. And they are often evaded by people with tax advisers. That is the big problem with the idea, popular on the left, that increased state spending can be financed just by taxing the rich – such a policy would be inflationary and likely to underperform its targets.
Something has to give. The government will struggle on with continued austerity and increasing some fringe taxes, hoping for a growth bump. But growth is bound to disappoint, inflation will refuse to die, and interest rates will remain uncomfortably high. One commentator has written that it will not be until a second term that Labour will start to seriously address how the country manages the state – through some combination of higher (and doubtless reformed) taxes and reduced state ambition. If the Conservatives remain in a mess, that may become politically feasible. Up until now Sir Keir Starmer’s aim has been to secure an election victory, and to impose a more serious style of political governance. That is a start but it is not enough.
I quite agree that something has to give if the public finances are to be put on a sound footing; an improved growth rate is not going to ride sufficiently to the rescue. If we are to exploit the ‘Laffer curve’ to get more revenue, do we not need to increase the size of the workforce? And will not that require a more active state to get British workers better trained to fill the vacancies and to take measures to boost innovation and investment? – not to speak of curing the sick. But then, since the Conservative party drive to reduce the role of the state has for the moment hit the buffers, perhaps such steps would be timely.
The idea behind the Laffer curve is that lower taxes spur the private sector to work and innovate harder, creating the extra economic capacity as it does so, without the need for additional government policies. Indeed lower taxes could encourage more people into the job market. Whether this actually works depends very much on context – in some cases lower taxes could encourage people to work less hard, as they don’t need to earn as much to maintain the same standard of living. The evidence for tax cuts actually leading to more growth is thin.
Whatever school of economic thought we may follow there is IMO a fundamental problem of how we define inflation which if unresolved can lead to wrong policy choices.
It relates to the development of shortages of any particular commodity. If, for example there is a failure in the world’s avocado crop the resultant reduced supply will lead to increased prices. We accept this and don’t call it inflation.
However if there is reduction in the supply of something more fundamental to the economy such as oil or natural gas or even a general reduction in everything because of the effects of a Pandemic we still see the same effect of rising prices and for exactly the same reason. We do call this inflation.
I would say that we shouldn’t. Neither should have we in the 70s. However we did and we responded with contractionary policies so it’s hardly surprising that we had concurrent rising prices and increasing unemployment. It was a similar story recently after the Covid crisis and the Ukraine war, but the situation was further complicated by the loose fiscal policies conducted at the time to support the economy during lockdown..
Whatever mistakes might have been made there’s nothing we can do change the past. Inflation is now down to a target of 2%. So the economy looks like it is returning to normal after a period of severe disruption.We should not do anything too dramatic right now. Now is not the time to run overtight fiscal or monetary policies. However, Rachel Reeves wants to do the former and the BoE keeps wanting to do the latter!
It’s not looking good. There is a huge danger of a serious recession.
I agree about the problem of defining inflation – there is far too much focus on the headline increase in a particular price index. This doesn’t necessarily record the depreciation in the value of currency. I have long thought that people should look at the rate of increase of wages as well. Though this should reflect increases in productivity, that is quite low, year to year, in developed economies. So when a couple of years ago prices rocketed but wages didn’t, that wasn’t proper inflation, in my view. The price rises reflected the fact that overall we couldn’t afford as much. The opposite seems to be true now. Official inflation may have come down to 2% – but wages are moving well ahead of this. That is why I don’t think the inflation issue has gone away. There is actually a case for tighter fiscal/monetary policy. The low official figure reflects decreases in the costs of certain commodities – the inverse of the process you were describing.
@ Hugh,
The Laffer curve certainly exists for a single tax. For example we can apply a rate of taxation to cigarettes to maximise the revenue from their sale. Make the tax higher and people stop smoking or get their supplies from illicit sources. Make the tax lower and the revenue naturally falls too.
However governments aren’t , or shouldn’t be, interested in that, except insofar that they might have other motives, such as health considerations in setting the tax level of cigarettes. What matters is what happens with all taxes relative to spending by governments.
If we consider that money is created by government spending into the economy and destroyed by government taxing it out of the economy, the difference or government deficit, is obviously what we as non governments agents decide to save in one way or another. If taxes are generally too low we will have more nominal spending power which could create inflation and may well encourage us to spend even more to enable us to get more for our money before it devalues. The extra spending increases the government’s tax take. So it is quite possible to have high inflation and a low government deficit, or even a surplus, simultaneously.
On the other hand if overall taxes are too high we have less spending power which results in fewer transactions and a depressed economy. Inflation will be low or even negative which will result in more saving and so an increased govt deficit.
So this means we should think in terms of doing the opposite to what many might suppose. If the economy is ultra buoyant with high levels of government revenue it doesn’t necessarily mean, as many might suppose, that “yippee we have more money to spend”. There’s probably an inflation problem looming. We should think of tightening up to avoid inflation.
Conversely, if government revenues are low and economic activity is depressed the last thing we should do is increase taxes to try to reduce the Govt deficit. That’s just crazy economics but we see it happening all the time. Not just in the UK but the eurozone too.
I think that’s right in principle – but there are further contextual factors that need to be taken into account in deciding the best level of fiscal policy. Back in the 1970s, to follow up a point in your earlier comment, inflation may have been triggered by higher oil prices (there were other factors, such as the collapse of Bretton Woods and the Vietnam War) – but this very quickly moved onto a wage-price spiral. In that case it was clear that unemployment did not represent the kind of slack that generous fiscal policy would correct.
” Official inflation may have come down to 2% – but wages are moving well ahead of this”
I’d say we’d need to look at the longer term overall picture but generally speaking you’re right. Wage changes do set the level of real inflation. MMT actually recognises this with its advocacy of the Job Guarantee. I’m not sure if most MMT devotees appreciate the anti-inflationary nature of this aspect. The idea is that an hour’s work of the lower paid becomes a real standard by which to define the currency.
I can’t see any problem with the economics of it but it’s a non-starter politically. Neither the left nor the right would support it. It would mean we’d all have to agree on our own relative worth. That just doesn’t sound very likely to me.
PS I meant to challenge the assumption that “Government finances are under-water”.
There’s nothing unremarkable about the key parameters of debt deficits, inflation, unemployment etc. We have to consider the much vaunted figure of £20 bn in the context of an annual GDP of £3 trillion. That’s 0.6% of GDP by my arithmetic.
Tax revenue is about £1 trillion, so £20bn is 2% of total taxation revenue. Rachel Reeves should be more concerned to avoid a general recession or even a crash due to the high levels of private debt in the economy.
If the economy tanks she’ll wish she only had £20bn to worry about!
I don’t think Ms Reeves would disagree with the last point! She has a political problem though: she promised overly-restrictive rules on deficits and the national debt in order to match the Tories for prudence. There is then the question of inflation – allowing above inflation payrises in the public sector creates inflationary pressure (though undoubtedly the right thing to do). Investing in ways that would help ease supply side bottlenecks would still be a good bet, of course.